Monday, June 16, 2008

Preliminary Movie Framework

The basic framework of the actual movie will be based on a day-by-day, journal-based, chapter-scripted picture. Each day will be a chapter, with special events being inserted in special cameo shorts at the appropiate intervals between the chapters.

Such special events would be the Wall Sit Competition, the trip there and back, and the train ride. Although the train ride was part of Day 1, it is a chapter and event in itself, which will give it its own designated chapter/role.

Although the majority of media brought back from the trip was still photographs, I'm working on trying to diversify the movie, to where the balance between special material, moving footage, and photographs, is a stable and flowing experience.

The crucial element of the opening musical score has still not been decided on. I don't know whether to use the "theme song" from the CD, or a more cinematic opening with the theme song at the end. Please help me with this tough decision.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pre-Production Blog Release

Hello all!

I have decided to post the status and progress of the movie production in its own blog, not only to give a centralized location for the the news and stats of the movie, but also to showcase the work as it moves along, keeping everyone informed.

This blog is also intended for feedback on the production. Any advice, tips, ideas, contributions or corrections are welcomed, and are in fact encouraged. I want this to be as much a team effort as the trip itself was, and I would love to everyone's input.

Thank you all!